How it works


How does Squizz work for business owners?


Create an account

Easily sign up with Squizz for free.

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Choose your package

Select a package that best suits you, whether it’s our free basic listing or our paid-for in-depth listing option.

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Submit your listing

Submit your listing to our admin team who will assess and provide recommendations.

Login Now

Await admin approval

Once our admin team has approved your listing, your business will be live on our website.

Choose Now

Now, watch your business grow.

Sit back and watch as the foot or site traffic comes in!

Helping local business thrive

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Squizz Posting Rules:

Squizz aims to be a clean and spam-free directory for quality listings of established local businesses. If your listing was not published it is due to one or more of the following rules.

Listings of the following nature will not be published and/or will be removed without notice;

  • Stolen imagery. All content and imagery must be your own.
  • Sexual, explicit or illegal content is not allowed.
  • Any listings deemed illegal or offensive.
  • Marketing schemes or any companies deemed as scammers.
  • Medical or health products or services making unsubstantiated medical claims. Any kind of medical treatment or offering will require registration with a medical body.
  • Job recruitment listings.
  • Escort services or content.
  • Life coaches or motivational speakers claiming to treat serious medical conditions.
  • Any form of keyword stuffing in the title or in the description such as phone numbers in the headings. All relevant information should be found in the appropriate fields.
  • Excessive information or FAQs. Profiles should read well if the fields are applied correctly.
  • Articles or opinion pieces.
  • Listings with empty or little descriptions.
  • Listings containing a time limit, such as promotions.
  • Listings we have deemed to contain low-quality content.

Squizz reserves the right to remove any listings that we feel are no longer relevant or appropriate without notice. We reserve the right to deny listings and remove accounts that do not comply with our rules. You are solely responsible for all information submitted to Squizz, and any consequences that may result from the listing you posted. Squizz reserves the right to remove and edit content at our discretion. By submitting a listing, you are agreeing to these conditions.